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  1. C

    Growth/Wound on fang after molt?

    One of my mature female G. Roseas recently molted. Directly after the molt, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary but a few days later as she was wandering around her enclosure, I noticed something on one of her fangs that looked like food residue, but she had not eaten recently due to...
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    Need spider ID - found this guy outside in the cold nearly dead.

    The temperatures have been dropping rapidly in my area and while doing the trash at my work today, I found this spider nearly motionless on the inside of one of the trashcans beneath the bag. After capturing it and bringing it inside, it quickly warmed up and became more active, even webbing...
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    I have inherited a Ball Python. Need advice on care.

    Thanks for all the advice! I'm having some concern about heating though. Would ZooMed reptibark be flammable with an under tank heating pad? What are the risks to avoid when it comes to fire hazards?
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    I have inherited a Ball Python. Need advice on care.

    I will not have the snake til next week, but as soon as I do I will post photos.
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    I have inherited a Ball Python. Need advice on care.

    What can I say, I was once a creative writing major :) I too had doubts when I heard the size, I ask if she was sure it was a ball python and not some wild caught copper head. Her story was that she got it from someone else a few years ago, and at that time the man claimed the snake was...
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    Our dog, "Sugar"

    Pits are freakin adorable. My dad had one that insisted on wearing a dumb Christmas sweater that was put on her once for a picture, and she either wore it, slept with it, or carried it around until it was in tatters. She has since passed, but making it to 18 at least meant she had a long run.
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    I have inherited a Ball Python. Need advice on care.

    Long story short, a coworker had to give away her Ball Python and I was the only person she knew who would agree to take it. I have so far only kept tarantulas so this is somewhat out of my league. It is unsexed, two feet long, and roughly five years old. What size tank should I get...
  8. C

    Anyone had any luck selling molts?

    I've been thinking, with the success of this molt, of possibly making a taxidermy piece with multiple tarantula molts showing the various poses and explaining what they meal. Sort of a "body language of the tarantula" sculpture.
  9. C

    Anyone had any luck selling molts?

    My B. Smithi molted several months ago. At the time I stuffed the abdomen with some cotton and used super glue to get all the parts back together in a somewhat presentable way. I've had it just sitting around as a "creepy decoration". A few days ago I had the idea of listing it on ebay. So I...
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    Acanthogonatus Photos

    What about them keeps them from being classified as Tarantulas? They seem to have all the features; vertical fangs, haor, size. And they look identical to tarantulas.
  11. C

    Terrible Article About a "Spider Bite" "Maybe there are eggs incubating on my face"

    People are idiots. You have no idea how many people tell me I'm insane for keeping such "deadly creatures" as tarantulas as pets. And everyone seems to "know someone who knew someone many many years ago" that died from a tarantula bite.
  12. C

    Just got two female A. Chalcodes!

    Not sure I get the Dracula reference, unless that's one of their ad campaigns that I missed. It was progressive by the way :/ Regardless of my spotless driving record, their rate was several times higher than competitors.
  13. C

    Has anyone actually been bitten by a Trapdoor spider?

    Yes, I have a Gorgyrella sp. and a Cyphonisia sp.
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    To Free Or Not To Free

    If you released it, I feel like it would likely wonder back into the warmth of your (or someone else's) home when things got colder.
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    Just got two female A. Chalcodes!

    So I discovered just how badly my car insurance company was ripping me off and so I switched companies (went from paying $650 every six months to now paying $160 every six months). After going to the talking gecko, Flo had to give me a refund for the remaining time on my plan after cancellation...
  16. C

    Has anyone actually been bitten by a Trapdoor spider?

    I have read and heard contradicting reports (usually a-friend-of-a-friend kind of reports) of Trapdoors being harmless, deadly, or anywhere in between. Do any of you know of any valid information as to how potent the venom of these spiders are? Anyone here actually been bitten and experienced...
  17. C

    Who molted today?

    My Mexican Red Rump sling molted this afternoon. Finally getting some coloration on the abdomen.
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    New T Room!! :DD

    My "T Room" is a large storage tote with holes drilled in it filled with kritter keepers hidden away in my closet. Woo!
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    The exterminator is coming soon.

    So, my apartment does not allow pets, so my tarantula collection is "secret". This month, my apartments are having an exterminator spray for pests (which is done twice a year, but this will be the first time since I began collecting tarantulas). When this is done, the guy usually just walks in...
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    Hissing Cockroach gestation...

    I plan on keeping the two adults, but since the female is likely pregnant I plan on using the offspring as feeders for my tarantulas while they are small, then keeping them both separate to ensure no more offspring are produced. So no, I don't plan on keeping all of the offspring longterm.