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  1. Walter

    illegal trip souvenir?

    Definitely BAD IDEA! The Customs guys on Dorval Airport are deadly serious about that stuff. I've seen the man arrested for undeclared cheese he brought from Holland, seriously. Better give up this idea and buy something in numerous pet-shops in Montreal (lot of T's and scorpions here as you...
  2. Walter

    New T's Arriving Tomorrow- G. Pulchra

    G.pulchra - GREAT CHOICE! Congrats!
  3. Walter

    Best water?

    For years I use the tap boiled water for dishes refill and mist.
  4. Walter

    Need Help!!

    I'm just biased too ... ;P :p When I watch my GBB it's the most beautiful T. on the World, when I watch G.pulchra, she's the winner, watching B.smithi makes me change my mind again ... and so on. ALL of them are simply THE BEST!
  5. Walter

    Lividium not burrowing

    Lucky you! ;P Everybody complaint they can't see their H.lividium for months. Perhaps some cross-breed terrestrial H.lividium you have? :) Seriously, you shouldn't be worry if your T seems to be happy not-burrowed. What substrate you use? Maybe she/he doesn't like it? When the time comes it...
  6. Walter

    What is it doing?

    LOL! If there's a "Best Avatar" contest around, yours is a 100% WINNER! ;P :D :wicked:
  7. Walter

    Need Help!!

    Well, sounds to me like GBB - lot of activity, lot of web, not too big - go for it! On second thought I'd recommend G.pulchra - docile, active, not too big (in fact slow grower) ... not much web however.
  8. Walter

    Mushrooms ???

    Mushrooms??? :eek: ... I L O V E mushrooms! :D ;P Seriously, I've had 3 small mushrooms once in my B.smithi terrarium, obviously there was too much humidity inside and I noticed spots of mold developed in the corners. The only reasonable thing to do is to get rid of whole substrate and...
  9. Walter

    had a nice surprise while cleaning the tank, but what to do now?

    That's amazing! Same thing happened to me when I bought my P.imperator scorpion few years ago - after 2 months I got 35 scorplings bonus. Good luck with your babies!
  10. Walter

    G.pulchra ... (problem?)

    UPDATE! I've been watching her molting till 3.30 AM and finally have fall asleep. Just remarked she has turned on the side. This morning - WHAT A RELIEF! - found her in brand new, shiny "armor" relaxing after difficult molt. So, I've survived one more experience T's offers us all sometimes...
  11. Walter


    Well ... Thank You! ;)
  12. Walter

    docile without urticating hairs?

    GBB would be a good choice - mine has never flick hairs at me. How about G.rosea or G.pulchra? G.rosea practically is a pet rock (unless you happen to get a psycho one, which is pretty rare). :D
  13. Walter

    G.pulchra ... (problem?)

    UPDATE! She finally started molting, but not on the back. She's still on the legs and the carapace is split. I know some T’s molts standing or on the side ... hopefully she will make it.
  14. Walter

    G.pulchra ... (problem?)

    Sure I will - For now she stays in one place where the "web carpet" is, just turning around sometimes.
  15. Walter

    Species Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens ("GBB")

    Nothing better than freshly molted GBB! Old skin has been carefully packed in web ball and disposed in the tank corner:)
  16. Walter

    G.pulchra ... (problem?)

    Of course, i don't touch her and she's in very quiet and dark place. Just hope it's really the lubricant since there's no way she gets hurt in the terrarium (no high-climbing, no crickets around...).
  17. Walter

    G.pulchra ... (problem?)

    My G.pulchra is about molting (at least she supposes to be, since last time she molted 2 years ago). She looks and behaves like textbook molting process - not eating since few months, not much moving lately and also she prepared the web carpet. But today I remarked two drops of liquid between...
  18. Walter

    what other kinds of worms?

    Piles of mulberry leaves is all they need. Just throw some kleenex inside to let them play hide-and-seek.
  19. Walter

    what other kinds of worms?

    OK, here's my B.smithi chewing the silkworm ... yummy!:)
  20. Walter

    Puerto Vallarta

    In Puerto Vallarta you most probably won't see any T's since the whole area is ALL about tourists (read: $$$) and local authorities tries to keep the resorts clean of bugs as much as possible to prevent old farts and grannys from heart attacks seeing such terrible stuff as T's. You have to...