Hungry one...
Insect Boy

Hungry one...

So, here's a crazy story. My dad bought two live birds to feed the snake. But as she's an opportunistic danger noodle, she saw the lid being opened and of course, she tried to slither out. In the process, I nearly got bit thrice with her being just a few cm short. Then one bird escaped. #MANIA.....
this is only based off my personal experience and opinion I am not criticizing or saying my way is right way let's start there . first thing you should never ever feed your snake in its enclosure unless it's an absolute must every time you open its enclosure they think Foods is Cumming and become aggressive I usually feed mine in a Rubbermaid tote or even my bathtub depending on the size of my animals or even a spare empty tank overtime they become used to this and it will cut down your chances of being bit when you open the cage. And as for feeding your snake live prey does the same they become highly aggressive survival and hunting instincts kick in and anything that moves must be killed AKA food LOL. Over my many many, years of keeping and breeding snakes I never feed in the snake's enclosure unless it's an absolute must where the steak is too shy or scared and even that comes to an end eventually when they become used to being moved before feeding and I always feed fresh-kill or Frozen pray to my snakes they seem to be less aggressive when feeling this way and reduces the chances of my snakes being injured buy 99.9% and feeding Frozen will cut down on the chances of your snakes getting some kind of parasite freezing pray /food first kills parasites. I have even fed my snakes chicken legs and small hole chickens and turkey legs from the supermarket I hope some or all of this information helps you

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Not So Spineless Wonders
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Insect Boy
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Apple iPad 2
Focal length
2.0 mm
Exposure time
File size
208 KB
Date taken
Fri, 18 November 2016 3:32 PM
960px x 720px

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