Thrixopelma Sp. Cajamarca Female

Thrixopelma Sp. Cajamarca Female

T. sp Cajamarca female
Amazingly chill little girl! Got her shipped and she crawled out of the vial slowly like it was no big deal! Love her!
I have two females, that I raised from tiny spiderlings, and I LOVE them. They are quickly becoming one of my favourite species ever. Mine are just starting to sport their adult colouring and are around the 3" mark. I can't wait until they're full grown and looking gorgeous.
I got mine because of Matt's glowing reviews. Did he sell you one of his females?
@StormyMyth729 congratulations you are now the proud keeper of 1 of the single greatest species.
@VanessaS if you mean me as in "Matt's glowing report" then thank you and glad i could help, if you're asking if i sold @StormyMyth729 1 of mine well i still have both legs and they are forsale before my sweethearts . On another point my smaller suspected female started showing adult colours at just over 1" and looks just as beautiful as my adult female
@johnny quango I didn't think that you would part with your girls - I feel the same way about my two girls. I only wish that someone else would import more of this species - I would love to grab a couple more in the hopes of getting a male. This is one species who is criminally underrated.
@VanessaS i couldn't agree more. Are yours super chilled and curious like H chilensis because both mine behave like my adult female H chilensis you know gentle,calm and not easily spooked
@johnny quango So far, my girls are very chill. Maybe not as curious as my Homoeomma chilensis yet, but they are not skittish at all. I can do maintenance without them even moving at all and, when they do, they just casually walk into their hides and never bolt around.
Plus, they have an awesome appetite and rarely refuse food. It baffles me that they aren't more popular.
@VanessaS Thrixopelma in general aren't that popular which is a real shame because for such a small genus there is something for everyone within it. In the case of the cajamarca i simply think it's because they're still too rare even though they've been around a few years. Between the few of us that keep them we may have to populate the rest of the world.
@johnny quango I agree, the same with Euathlus. I try to grab up every Thrixopelma that gets imported. Unfortunately, both my sp. Blue (x2) and pruriens (x2) all turned out to be males with no females in sight. I really lucked out that I got two females of this species. Now, I have two lagunas unsexed and I do hope that one ends up being female. My ockerti is female as well.
@VanessaS I try to snap up Thrixopelma whenever they come around but just of late they just aren't turning up. I currently have the 2 sp cajamarca, adult female cyaneolum, sub adult female lagunas and an unsexed pruriens ( possible its female due to frequency and amount of food against lack of growth). I've switch my attention to some other rare species now including Pseudohapalopus sp blue and colombia i managed to pick up a 1st ever breeding of a Cotztetlana sp Guanajuato
@johnny quango I am SO envious of you getting the Cotztetlana sp Guanajuato. They are absolutely stunning. Still no sign of that genus in Canada and I suspect that they will cost an arm and leg when they do get here.
I have an adult female Pseudhapalopus spinulopalpus, but none other from that genus. I understand that they are very slow growing.

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samsung SM-J737P
Focal length
3.7 mm
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File size
4.5 MB
Date taken
Fri, 12 July 2019 11:37 AM
4128px x 3096px

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