Theraphosa Stirmi
Majesty is heavy in premolt, when they said the growth rate of this species is fast, they weren’t kidding
how do you feel about the t. stirmi for an intermediate keeper? I've had Ts for a little under two years but have so far stuck to tried and true "beginner species" because I was worried about any species that required significant moisture, but I'm fascinated with the stirmi :wideyed::wideyed:
@sdeveikis honestly T. Stirmi isn’t as hard to keep care of as much as people say they are, you really just need to keep the sub moist and the temp up, and they will literally eat all they can until a molt, I would say you could take care of one easily, but there are draw backs such as the hairs and ironically the maintenance but if you get a routine you’ll be fine, I would talk to some others on here cause they have been taking care of the species longer than I have and they may have more info, but I’d say you’re ok, and on a side note, start on the small side to watch it grow and to get used to the species

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