Davis Pentaloris? ID please

Davis Pentaloris? ID please

I was offered this lovely critter in a three-for-two deal. Initially I thought it was a D Fasciatus, but after feedback from other users I'm at a loss. Anyone?
What size T is this? Is that a burrow in the picture?

@Brad1993 @Cloud Chaser What differences are you noting that make it clear to be Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens instead of Davus Pentaloris?

It isn't D Fasciatus because of the lighter color on the carapace. But that carapace looks a little similar to both D. Pentaloris and a GBB sling.
The abdomen does look more like a GBB. D. Pentaloris seems to have more straight markings on the ones I own. GBB almost has a "tiger like" look on the abdomen on mine (similar to this pic). But I thought GBB have navy or light tan on the legs while D. Pentaloris is dark brown. Is there any rule on identification based on the leg colors?
That's a juvenile C. cyaneopubescens (I'd estimate around the 2" mark).

Slings still have pink legs except for the femur which is royal blue, a uniform bright gold carapace and the abdomen "tiger" stripe pattern is clear as day whereas, in this specimen, the formerly pink leg segments have changed to blue although the femur remains a more uniform blue than the rest of the leg, the carapace has faded to a metallic orange/has hints of green showing through the indented parts (although this doesn't always pick up on camera) and the abdomen "tiger" stripe pattern is already fading into it's adult colouration.

In both D. fasciatum and pentalore, the red/orange stripe closest to the carapace joins together in the middle whereas it is separated in the C. cyaneopubescens, D. pentalore also has a uniform non-metallic orange carapace.

Its actually a more valuable species than pentalore, and one of the all time hobby favorites. A GBB will go through some of the best color changes on their way to adulthood.

They web like crazy, grow at a decent pace and have notoriously great appetites. In the long run, I think its a mistake in identity that you will enjoy.

Hi again guys, I figured that I would link you a proper picture now that I have *her* in house. I'm sooo stoked! Her body length is around 2cm or 0.8"

Quick Q: what are those white particles in between the urticating setae? Looks like dust at first glance, then the angsty "mold" came to mind.
@ThisMeansWAR If you mean in the shiny gold-ish area towards the rear of the abdomen then that's its "mirror patch" which is just an iridescent patch of urticating hairs and of no cause for worry.

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