G pulchripes - Is it too soon to tell? (no. 2)
Marija Takac

G pulchripes - Is it too soon to tell? (no. 2)

I'd lean female.

Though the abdomen is large it may be an illusion aha.

Best to wait until it moults as it looks like it could be very soon.
@louise f @KezyGLA Yes, she is in pre-molt. Refuses food for three weeks already and she made a webbing beneath her. I got an amazing deal for her, payed about 8 american dollars :D so if it's a female I would scream from the top of the roof :D
@Marija Takac Well that sounds great, if you want to be 100% sure of the sex. You could post a pic of the molt when it has molted.

Just take a close up pic. And congrats on that nice deal. ;)
@louise f will do, thanks :)
Can I ask you for a piece of advice? When she starts molting, should I raise the humidity a bit? Currently the substrate is on the dryer side.
@bryverine @KezyGLA I don't think I can fit any bowl into the plastic cup she is in, maybe a bottle cap but it still would take a lot of space.
I filled the cotton ball with water (squeezed the excess) and placed it in. Is that OK? She went to drink after half an hour. Must have been thirsty.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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Marija Takac
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