B. Smithi/Hamorii?
@kerplunk so I had to google how much that is equivalent to US dollars and how much that is there. And wow!! That is a lot of money. I don’t know what T’s prices are over there so I would also consider that.
@kerplunk that is a lot of money to take a chance on. Maybe he will meet you in middle since he doesn’t even know or wait until you come across a better dealer that knows his/her stuff.
@Drea Definitely alot.. but tbh I don't mind paying more if it actually turns out to be a Smithi! Just wanna make sure I don't pay Smithi price for what might be a Hamorii.. I never knew these subtle differences could be so overwhelming until I actually wanted to get a Smithi lol
@kerplunk hold on a sec, I am going to forward this picture to someone that I know that loves these. It is what got them into the hobby.
@Drea Yeah.. The seller is actually really nice to deal with. He is really just unsure and just as confused with the Smithi/Hamorii thing and just the same, thinks it is more smithi than hamorii.. Can't blame him though lol
@kerplunk I have been exactly where you are. I just went through this with an avicularia. It you were going to pair it I would say it’s not a good idea if the species isn’t certain.

As a pet, it’s a matter of a lot of money or not as much money. No one wants to pay more then the true value.
@Drea Agree.. Not looking to pair it btw, just want a nice Brachypelma to go along with my C. Marshalli and S. Samarae. Only have old worlds at the moment..

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