
  1. 1” male accessory organs on L. parahybana

    1” male accessory organs on L. parahybana

    This is my first time trying out using a microscope for sexing slings, but I’m 99% sure what we see here is male accessory organs! How cool is that?
  2. 3" Male Bumba horrida [molt sexing]

    3" Male Bumba horrida [molt sexing]

  3. Freshly Molted Pele (♂ Bumba horrida 3")

    Freshly Molted Pele (♂ Bumba horrida 3")

  4. Spitting Spider (♂ Scytodes atlacoya)

    Spitting Spider (♂ Scytodes atlacoya)

    One of many spitting spiders in my shed.
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  6. Nhandu Chromatus - Mature Male

    Nhandu Chromatus - Mature Male

    Gotta hive this boy attention before he goes out to meet his girlfriend. Will miss him and his anger episodes. 1/200 with Flash ISO 200 18-55mm kit lens inverted
  7. Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [5/5]

    Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [5/5]

    There are thousands of wolf spiders in my yard, including mature Hogna lenta that overwintered.
  8. Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [4/5]

    Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [4/5]

    There are thousands of wolf spiders in my yard, including mature Hogna lenta that overwintered.
  9. Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [3/5]

    Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [3/5]

    There are thousands of wolf spiders in my yard, including mature Hogna lenta that overwintered.
  10. Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [2/5]

    Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [2/5]

    There are thousands of wolf spiders in my yard, including mature Hogna lenta that overwintered.
  11. Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [1/5]

    Mating Wolf Spiders (Hogna lenta) [1/5]

    There are thousands of wolf spiders in my yard, including mature Hogna lenta that overwintered.
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    G pulchra sling. 1.5” exuv Female or male?
  13. Male or female?

    Male or female?

    Juvie pink toe, they told me she’s a female but she’s molted since and I know they weren’t sure
  14. Thirsty Balfouri (Monocentropus balfouri 3")

    Thirsty Balfouri (Monocentropus balfouri 3")

    One of my most reclusive tarantulas -- first sighting in months.
  15. Pele (♂ Bumba horrida 2.25")

    Pele (♂ Bumba horrida 2.25")

  16. IMG_20210223_125835.jpg


  17. IMG_20210223_123006.jpg


    Poecilotheria metallica molt Looks female but can I have your thoughts please? Thank you