Described species hailing from the Kelabit Highlands in Sarawak, Borneo. Proven mature female.
Also known as Jaman's Tree Tiger after the late Jaman Riboh Tekapan, an elder of the Bario community that was instrumental in the discovery of the species.
Carmine - recently molted and out for her first post-molt hunt. Even with my crappy phone camera, through the dirty enclosure, she is stunning... I sense a photo shoot in the near future! 😆
I managed to get this pic in between her fits of butt-slinging and leg-flinging. I've you've never seen defensive behavior from this species in action, it's worth looking up.
Posted a pic of this girl almost 1 year ago, and shortly afterwards she went underground and stayed there until last night. She's been eating prey I drop at the burrow entrance, and I know she's molted recently, but no idea what size she is exactly - she doesn't share molts. She's big, though!
One of the biggest Ts in my collection now. A big WC import of these came in late last year and some are still around, and apparently at least one person managed to breed them because slings are currently available.
0.1.0 Cyriopagopus doriae
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