I just got one of these little buggers from the pet store that I work for. I knw a little bit about care for them in general But I want to know as much as possible about this little guy cause I know hes deadly. We have one more at work if I bought him can they go into the same encloser together? How much and how aften do I need to feed him? Is there any way to sex them? also He is on a sand substrate now in his little deli cup but I plan on moving him into his new kritter keeper tomorow. I have a brand new bag of cal sand that I use for my dragons can I use this? I was wanting to mix it with potting soil to give him a place to burrow, and I ead some where that you can also mix vermiculite with it? Does anyone know about what parts to mix everything? I got plent of it laying around from redoing my T enclosers.