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Stromatopelma calceatum


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2003
Yow!!! :eek: just got bit at 2:10 cali time. Well I was trying to change my slings enclousure and the dam thing would not get out so I tapped the bottom of the deli cup and it ran up my arm. It went under my shirt so I tried to remove my shirt and got bit as my shirt got down to my wrist.
Pain, 1-10 right now i'd say a 8. The pain is like a tingling pain with a few sharp points and a few short throbbing points. My skin is starting to look like chicken skin (bumpy)... Gonna take some Alegra and a cold compress. God it now feels like a match was put out on my wrist... Gonna go I'll keep you posted...


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2003
Well it's now 4:33 and the pain is slowly going away. Now I'm not sure if it is the medication or the fact that it was a sling that the pain is going away so soon, either way I'm not complaining. The chicken skin look is still there though. :8o


Old Timer
May 17, 2004
I was tagged by an adult male many moons ago (im thinking it was 94) as i saved his ungrateful arse from a female he was cohabing with, a single fang to my left thumb and it was much more painful then a bite i had from a P.mur (i needed help for breathing prob's after an hour of being bit with that one) the pain ran up to my elbow and took around 3 hours to die down and left my thumb red and swollen for a day i sat with my hand in water as hot as i could bear for an hour i think that killed off some of the venom at the bite site (as with lion fish stings) very painful but no were near as bad as what happen to phil when he was collecting them.


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
This morning at 9;25 am I was trying to mate my Stromatopelma c. calceatum. The male was not cooperative, quite defensive and speedy, more then usual but I tried anyway. The first and second female refused by attacking the male, so at the end of the 2rd attempt I went to remove the male but as usual he jumped from the female container to the floor, and started running. I quickly captured it with its small container, everything was fine untill I went to close the lid, he tried to get out in same time, and when I saw that he was trying to get out I stoped but the lid still made a little pressure on the spider. He went on my hand, and tried to bite it as I felt the fang. I quicky touched it to make it run or to afraid it, and that worked he jumped off my hand, and started running in circle on the floor. I was sit so he ran on my leg, and bited on the knee, then jumped off.

I re-captured it, and realised I got bite on the knee as I started feeling a sting sensation very similar to a bee.

the pain at this moment was ... 2 / 10, very, very tolerable. 15 min later the pain got worst a little but really nothing, getting to 4 / 10.

It was a dry bite, I was'nt expecting much effect from mature male bite either, I got lucky I guess {D


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
As I type this, about 10 minutes has passed since the bite.

It was a 0.5" sling, and I induced the bite on purpose to compare venom effects with Heteroscodra maculata. As I expected, the effects are identical - rapid onset of swelling and some sharp pain. I'm also expecting muscle cramps. The main thing I'm looking out for, however, is a blue-purple patch that appeared around the bite site when my 0.5" H. mac bit me. I'll update this thread in the coming days.