New King Baboon Enclosure.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2008
So a while back I posted asking for suggestions for a C. Crawshayi enclosure. My old one was just... blah... and she just hid under a half log that I put in there and never really burrowed anywhere else or even really moved for that matter. Anyway... Just posting this to see if anyone has any more ideas or suggestions.

Before: (the webbing on the wall was where the half log was)

So as I understand, they make burrows under tree roots. So I just tried to make it look like that. Definitely a lot more places to burrow, and its a full 12 inches deep in some places so hopefully she'll make use of it. Also, I know the substrate looks really wet, I just didn't have time to dry it as much as I wanted to and figured she'd be less stressed out on damp substrate than she would in a deli cup. And I know there's no water dish. I just hadn't put it in yet. So other than that, fire away with the suggestions.



Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
thats it im tired of everyone getting king baboons
im getting one!!!!:evil:

nice cage and spider btw:D


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
kings rule....ha, I made a funny, kings rule ppfftt To funny.gif


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2008
HA! Good one.

Yeah they're pretty awesomely mean. The main reason I waited so long to do this was her attitude. I wasn't sure how much she'd appreciate me digging her burrow up and trying to cup her.

They are pretty cool. I'm really hoping she'll take to this new set up and burrow some nice tunnels like everyone else talks about. I think I have the laziest king ever. She didn't really do much burrowing in the last set up, and now she's all the way in the top corner of the cage and has just surrounded herself with web. I realize its only been 24 hours though, so I'm still hopeful.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
HA! Good one.

Yeah they're pretty awesomely mean. The main reason I waited so long to do this was her attitude. I wasn't sure how much she'd appreciate me digging her burrow up and trying to cup her.

They are pretty cool. I'm really hoping she'll take to this new set up and burrow some nice tunnels like everyone else talks about. I think I have the laziest king ever. She didn't really do much burrowing in the last set up, and now she's all the way in the top corner of the cage and has just surrounded herself with web. I realize its only been 24 hours though, so I'm still hopeful.
Mine used to stridulate when I started messing with her enclosure, does yours "talk" to you.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2008
Ha oh yeah she definitely isn't afraid to speak her mind.

When I put that plant in her tank, I could hear her hissing from under the half log even with the front of it all sealed up. So cool.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Ha oh yeah she definitely isn't afraid to speak her mind.

When I put that plant in her tank, I could hear her hissing from under the half log even with the front of it all sealed up. So cool.
love it, lol

Paulie B

Old Timer
Sep 15, 2008
She will adapt nicely to the new set up, no worries. She may even burrow along the bottom front side of your tank allowing you to view it clearly. Mine has albeit along the "back side" of the tank. I never see her during daylight hours but walk into my T room during the dead of night with a flash lamp and you will always find her out and about looking food !! As soon as she feels a vibe or senses any light she is gone back down via her flower pot like a bullet. They are the jewel of T's to have. Good luck with her.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2008
She will adapt nicely to the new set up, no worries. She may even burrow along the bottom front side of your tank allowing you to view it clearly. Mine has albeit along the "back side" of the tank. I never see her during daylight hours but walk into my T room during the dead of night with a flash lamp and you will always find her out and about looking food !! As soon as she feels a vibe or senses any light she is gone back down via her flower pot like a bullet. They are the jewel of T's to have. Good luck with her.
Yeah I'm hoping she goes to town on it. Her last set up was deep enough, but it was just one flat surface so she didn't really have a whole lot of options. I'm hoping that was the only problem. I think this one is much more natural or at least more comparable to what they'd have in the wild. I could see her fine in the old set up, so I'm hoping she'll burrow up against the glass again. But if not, at least if she's got more tunnels and places to hide she'll come out more often. Guess I'll have to wait and see.