Monthly Southern California Hike and Hunt


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
are there small female ones?
theyre theyre not sexed.

Also....ANDREW.....I fed the Parabuthus a cricket today! She took it down immediately.

Hopefully, Eddy and I can arrange for him to pick it up this Saturday. I was nervous feeding her in that confined space! But it was pretty awesome. :cool:


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Wuss, I'm gonna let you babysit my Lq's and see how you do. JK :D
I'm a little nervous around T's. I fed all my spider's yesturday and tought it was pretty cool how they eat. Except for my baby black widow that just took the prey into it's web. Now that made me a little nervous.


Jun 10, 2007
Finally !!

When to see Andrew along with his brother today, nice guys and awesome collections sorry couldn't stay long need to pick up my wifey which work in Rancho Cucamonga, well looking forward to see the rest of the local members here in Arachnoboards and Scabies. Thats if for now.

PS Andrew I really like that S. Heros from Ariz.. let me know if you want something for it.. Looking forward for that Hiking/BBUGQUE night.. Peace



Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
When to see Andrew along with his brother today, nice guys and awesome collections sorry couldn't stay long need to pick up my wifey which work in Rancho Cucamonga, well looking forward to see the rest of the local members here in Arachnoboards and Scabies. Thats if for now.

PS Andrew I really like that S. Heros from Ariz.. let me know if you want something for it.. Looking forward for that Hiking/BBUGQUE night.. Peace


Hey! I don't know if it was intentional or not......but you came up with a much better name for our BBBQ...

Originally it was Bug BBQ (BBBQ)

But I actually really like "BarBugQue"{D


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2004
okay please be patient. i think i may now have figured out how to post pictures. this is from the hunt and hike on 6-25-07

a toad that was caught and released

a black and red spider found on the underside of a buried tree stump

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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005

oh, and fair warning.... i will be doing a lot of work on the forum... so there is a decent chance i will lose or other wise mess up anything anyone posts until the forum is locked down better


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
OOH i'm so itching to post *scratches* but I can't check my email at work. Oh well tonight.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
July 27, 2007

FRIDAY JULY 27, 2007

A) Bug Bar B Que!!! link
B) SCABIES Forum link
C) Next Hunt link
D) Events link
E) Salespitch =P

0) Greetings
Greetings to a our new members, JP, hazardy, also Drapion, who doesn't live in SoCal but is going to be down before too terribly long and would like to make a hike or otherwise meet up with some of us down here. SCABIES is still growing strong :) Check out the new forum, announced below.
1) Bug Bar B Que!!!
One of our new members has volunteered his house for the Bar-Bug-Que!!!!! AUGUST 11th, SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY!!!!
a great big huge thanks to John (Johnnyster on scabies forum, AB) for letting us meet at his house!

we need to get on top of who is going to come, and what foods people are going to bring. it has been my experience that if we don't organize who brings what then we are going to end up with 17 bags of chips and enough plasticware for 100 people. I'll bring a salad as long as Nesh will be in charge of tossing it. Heh, just kidding. I will bring some kind of meat product to cook. I can also buy paper plates, paper towels/napkins, and flatware from the 99c store.

so the dishes/stuff to bring is looking like this:

meat1: andrew/caco
napkins/plates/flatware: andrew

it is BYOB... that is way too much money to expect anyone to pay for hehehehe
RSVP on the thread on the scabies forum to let us know what you are going to bring!

The forum is up and starting to come together nicely! Join up today to get the most up to date information on local events and deals deals deal!
Eventually this thread will be the first thread anyone new to the forum should read:

C) Next Hunt
There is no hunt currently being planned. Due to summer conditions only dusk and night hunts are likely to be feasible at this time. We had great success ("great success!") on the Friday the 13th night hike!

D) Events
After that, we have Anaheim Sept 8-9 at the convention center. ( a must go)
IRBA Del Mar Fairgrounds Oct 6-7 (more San Diego bug hunting)
October late in the month Cal Poly Pomona Insect Fair (date not announced)
IRBA Pomona Fairgrounds Dec.8-9

E) Join the scabies forum and the buyers group to gain access to the "Deal Me In!" forum to see about the amazing B. smithi deal the group is currently working towards. Get your commits to spiderlings and buy in early to make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity!


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Hey guys, I joined SCABIES, but can't log in, so I'll post here.

I can't make the Aug. 11 shindig, but may I host one for September? I have a pool, huge clubhouse with a kitchen and miles of display tables and chairs, and a few ideas for an evening bug hunt. Let me know whatcha think.



Old Timer
May 22, 2006
Hey guys, I joined SCABIES, but can't log in, so I'll post here.

I can't make the Aug. 11 shindig, but may I host one for September? I have a pool, huge clubhouse with a kitchen and miles of display tables and chairs, and a few ideas for an evening bug hunt. Let me know whatcha think.

that sounds great... leave andrew/caco a pm about not being able to log in..
talk to ya later...W


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2004

Hello All,
Is there any more news on the BBBQ on the 11th???

Time?How amny people confirm or RSVP????


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Hey guys, I joined SCABIES, but can't log in, so I'll post here.

I can't make the Aug. 11 shindig, but may I host one for September? I have a pool, huge clubhouse with a kitchen and miles of display tables and chairs, and a few ideas for an evening bug hunt. Let me know whatcha think.

could you ever login?

edit 10:13 AM 8/8/2007: MizM, i saw in your account that it was not active. i activated it. see if you can log in now

ftorres is having troubles too. i can log in with all my accounts and don't really see anything wrong with your user account. let me know if you are still having trouble and i will keep looking into it.

also, is there anything specific that is going wrong? does it give you any error messages or anything?

as for a September BBQ... that would be awesome. August was just too hot to do bug hunts during the day... i suspect September might be, too. the BBQs and this possible dusk hunt would make an awesome addition to the summer schedule :)
let me or warren know what day(s) would be good for you and we can narrow it down from there. thanks MizM!

Hello All,
Is there any more news on the BBBQ on the 11th???

Time?How amny people confirm or RSVP????
i believe there is something like 22 ppl that have RSVP'ed

Warren =5
Andrew =1
Johnny =3
Jules =3
Eddy =3
Joe =3
Dave = 2

ronin =? (him, he has a wife and babyish son, iirc. dunno if he meant to bring them or not. or other ppl or what)
lizmoto =? ((+mike(?)), two though)

~24 total i think

i have plates, flatware, and cups for ~40 and bowls for about half that many (for ppl who don't like their food to mix before they eat it... i plan to have the chili on my plate like regular =P )

i have ketchup, a couple kinds of mustard, some pickle slices, mayo type stuffs. they are all like, analog/cheap brands so if you are particular you might want to bring a few of those foil packet type things or something =P

i am thinking we might have a little bit of fun with bugs. i bought some rulers to take "offical" measuring shots of your bugs with me or someone to help you wrangle and take pictures if you would like.... bring your unsexed bugs for the group to take a look at... maybe there might even be a little tiny raffle. it would be TINY though ;)


setup 11:30 (andrew arriving around then)
start 12:00
cooking start 12:30-1
eating ~2:00
bug stuff ~3:00: (sexing demonstration and discussion (round table, i'm not going to be giving a paper, hehehe) , maybe mating my regalis, measuring discussion
end 5:00 (caco and ??? stay to clean up)

how does this look John?

once again, email or pm me or Johnnyster or wburke17 for the address!

also, i will be putting my contact info in the "Deal Me In!" and "Locale Color" forums for everyone who can access those
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005

Saturday, August 11, 2007.

11:00a setup 11:00 (andrew arriving around then)
11:30a cooking start 11:30
12:00p start 12:00
12:00p-12:30p start eating 12:00-12:30
~1:00p bug stuff ~1:00: (sexing demonstration and discussion (round table, i'm not going to be giving a paper, hehehe) , maybe mating my regalis, measuring discussion
~5:00p "end" 5:00 (caco and ??? stay to clean up)
~6:00p bug walk 5:30-6:00 (after cleaning, you bums! hahahaha)


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2003
1st Annual ScabiesCon & ScabiesExpo

After many months of planning, our first ScabiesCon & ScabiesExpo was held today. A huge success with dozens of SCABIES members and their families showing up.

In attendance were several internationally renowned arachnid experts giving demonstrations on breeding, handling, tarantula taxonomy, sexing and general husbandry.

Then there were door prizes and a raffle. Several dealers and breeders donated some very generous items for the raffle. These included several P. metallicas, P. tigrinawesselis, G. pulchras and many others. The grand prize of a 5-day all-inclusive vacation in Cancun was won by NBond1986, which due to scheduling difficulties, had to take his trip prior to the convention.

And of course, the food. A number of local chefs donated their own delicious delicacies, including the 2007 grand prize winner of the International Chili Society Texas State cookoff.

An honorable mention should go to the SF BATS, who had their "convention" recently. They feasted on Oscar Meyer hot dogs and Spam. They had several tarantula experts including Phil Jones, who gave a lecture on the proper use of smilies and puncuation. Their grand prize giveaway was a 7-legged OBT sling and an infertile G. rosea eggsac.


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2007
LMAO!!! Don't forget the P. metallica/P. subfusca hybrid going for the price of a G. rosea. :)

It was a success for sure. It was great meeting new SCABIES members & seeing the others again. Great food (my hat's off to all the chefs) & company. Special thanks to:

- Johnny (johnnyster) for his hospitality
- Andrew (cacoseraph) for his contribution to the raffle & demonstrations
- David (DavidRS) & Warren (wburke17) for their contributions to the raffle, our trade & sale
- Francisco (ftorres) for his contribution to the raffle & letting us play with the A. gigas & T. blondis
- Jules (julesaussies) for her closing the B. smithi deal & carefully packing/delivering them
- Steve for his widow demonstrations
- Devon (sp?) for pulling my name out during the raffle

I'm sure I missed some folks. Already looking forward to the next one where we will have M. balfouris as door prizes. :)


Old Timer
Oct 29, 2004
Scabies Bbbq

HEllo ALl,
I also whant to thank the following people just like Paul (ronin)

- Johnny (johnnyster) for his hospitality, and great ceviche de camaron.
- Andrew (cacoseraph) for his contribution to the raffle & demonstrations
Good luck with the P regalis, Andrew.
- David (DavidRS) great chilli, a first place one!!!! for his contributions to the raffle, our trade & sale
- Warren (wburke17) for their contributions to the raffle, our trade & sale
- Jules (julesaussies) for her closing the B. smithi deal & carefully packing/delivering them. Good luck with the Skeleton Ts.
- Steve for his widow demonstrations great collection and thanks for the give aways man.
- All the rest for being present and making our first get together a success


GO SCABIES GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

regards toa ll

PS how did the collecting trip go????
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Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
First ScabiesCon & ScabiesExpo (Bar-Bug-Que)

WOW!!!! My whole family had an AWESOME time!!!! i feel i have so many people to thank, i'm afraid i'm going to forget somebody. i can't even believe how much i came home with. i wasn't even planning on that. It was totally awesome!!! i can't wait for our next event. We hope to go on the evening hike next time if somebody will be home to let my dogs out! Okay, here it goes, i hope i don't forget anyone, you were all awesome. i would like to especially thank:

  • Johnny (johnnyster): for your awesome hospitality, letting a bunch of crazy SCABIES in your home!!
  • Liz (lizmotobike): Thank you for spending literally hours over a hot grill out in the equally hot sun. I wanted to offer to help but I can’t even make Mac & Cheese. My niece made the potato salad and deviled eggs we brought – LOL. Your chicken was beyond splendid!!
  • Andrew (cacoseraph): for your demonstrations & most of all for the very cool P. striata's, pede and scorp!! AND... for donating 10 G. pulchra slings towards Kassie's science project!!!
  • David (DavidRS): For your internationally famous chili AND that gorgeous female P. miranda i got from you on my end of our trade. She's awesome!! i got her all set up in her house last night. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Let me know how the MM does.
  • Francisco (ftorres): Wow! i can't thank you enough for letting me take the male E. murinus home. i will keep you up to date. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and i'll be bringing you lots of little skeletons to a future Scabies Event!!
  • Warren (wburke17): for taking care of my P. regalis slings
  • Steve (buthus): for your widow demonstrations and the 3 awesome widows!! Thanks!!
  • Kassie (my niece): for making the potato salad & deviled eggs AND especially for helping me unpack and rehouse all those cute, tiny B. smithi!!
  • B. smithi Buyers: Thanks everyone for following through with their purchases. i would definitely be willing to do this for the group again.
Wow! i'm sure i forgot some people. It was just a great time seeing a lot of you again and meeting even more people. i can't wait to see some of the pics. Especially the ones with Andrew's special hair art!! Thanks everybody!
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Old Timer
Jun 12, 2004

I had a great time. It was so nice to see all of you face to face:eek: j/k

1. special thanks to Johnny the perfect host. he opened his house to us
like we were family. a real gentleman. (I am so sure he is crying about
that now! - j/k hopefully)
2. Andrew for being the brain child. deal maker, demonstrations,
organization without hysteria. also being so patient with the kids.
getting them excited about bugs (without shrieking .....well almost).
3. the people that donated their time to give interesting and fun
lectures. Steve (buthus): wow you are the most trusting soul.
4. oh my god the food..........
award winning chili, potato salad and deviled eggs! ( most bbq's its
one or the other but we had both) tostadas/quesadillas (again most
bbq's, it's one or the other but we had both!) shrimp ceviche,
carne asada, spring rolls with the most amazing dipping sauce, an
assortment of cookies, I have not even touched upon the beverages! or
the desserts! cakes........ cheesecakes and a rolled torte

our scabies people are very generous.

the great thing was there was so much great food from so many cultural back rounds it really was amazing.

special thanks to all that put up with my bad memory for names. Maria, Monica esp. sorry if i left any one out!

all in all many generous trades were made!
thanks I love my new silver slings!

p.s ftorres what is my E.murinus chopped liver? j/k
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Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
It wouldn't me gentlemanlike of me not to thank all of you guys.
-Jhonny for inviting us into your house. I left you an apple pie before I left.
-David, thanks for the chili. I went for seconds and it was gone. And the trade. By the way you and your daughter are great people to have conversations with.
-Warren, thanks for the trade
-Andrew, thanks for the purchase
-Jules, thanks for the spiders. I have so many of these now after the raffles and what not. I hope i can manage T's
-Liz, thanks for the grilling space hopefully i gave you time to rest when I took over.
Everyone I didn't mention. It was nice seeing you all and thank you for all your hard work to put this together.