pillbugs as a cleaning crew


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I was wondering about this idea as I have heard of it and was wondering about it if they really clean it up.My concern would be that the tarantula/scorpion would eat them wich would throw them off feeding time or they would ruin the tanks.Thanks.Oh and sorry I dont know the scienific name for them:8o .


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Actually you may have better luck searching for isopods, because that is a more correct name for them.:D They are also called sow bugs(but this is actually a different animal) and rollie pollies.

They belong to the Order Isopoda in the Phylum Arthropoda( i think that is the correct way to state that, correct me if i'm wrong) and are actually crustaceans. Just in case anyone cares, or is interested.(i find it fascinating)

I was wondering about this idea as I have heard of it and was wondering about it if they really clean it up.
Depends on what you mean by 'clean up'. If you mean do they get out the Swiffer Wet Jet and clean the poop off the glass........;) Then no........

They will eat dead plant matter, left over food......i 'think' they may indulge in the occasional poop salad, but my memory is fuzzy on that. We have plants in all of our tanks that have isopods, so i do not know/ haven't researched how they do in plantless tanks. They can't survive in dry tanks (or never have for us), it must be humid for them. Just think of where you see them in the wild and you can gauge for yourself whether your enclosure could support them. Or research a little about them.

i wouldn't collect them from the wild if you live anywhere that has neighbors, or where pesticides/ fertilizers have been used. We own 72 acres of undeveloped forest, so we collect ours from the wild, but we know they are safe. Captive bred one's can be found for sale in the FOR SALE section of this forum.

i have never seen my tarantulas even acknowledge them, even when our H. sp.Vietnam is up in her tunnel and they are crawling right by her. We have never kept them in an enclosure with a sling and i haven't researched it/ read much anecdotal evidence to tell you whether it's a good idea.

Oh and sorry I dont know the scienific name for them
The most commonly found isopod in North America has the scientific name of Armadillidium vulgare(imported from Europe), but i don't think i have ever seen them called that here.

i guess i felt like talking about isopods this evening. :p You should really check out the link in my signature, it's a great sticky. i also think i hear the search engine calling out HESSWAAAAA.............. :}


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
They'd have to be really hungry I think. Even my true spiders won't eat them (except the sowbug killer but its chelicerae and fangs are made for that) Only problem I have is I don't think they'll live very long in the drier arachnid species. My sowbug for the baby Phidippus colony died from lack of adequate moisture and the baby jumpers were prone to drowning in even tiny droplets so I gave up..